Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thank you President-Elect Obama!

Really, he's the reason this is here. The rise of Senator Barack Obama was an enlightening experience for me. The man stands so completely opposite my political views, so outside the views of any one I know, that I couldn't help but be interested in what he was up to. What's that got to do with this blog, you ask? The more I followed the election coverage (that of Sen. McCain too) the more I came to understand my own political beliefs.

This blog, first and foremost, is for me to have a place to rant and/or ramble about anything and everything. Mostly, it's going to be what I think of what ever the lefties in DC are doing at the moment. Some of the time you'll get my thoughts on various issues facing this nation. Comments are welcome; I'm always willing to have a decent political discussion. I'm also open to suggestions for topics, if you're interested in my thoughts on an issue.

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